04.01.2012, Words by Charlie Jones

Lady Gaga in "probably doesn't bathe in blood" shock

Lady Gaga, singer famous for being weird/"amazing", allegedly bathed blood during a Satanic ritual during her recent London visit, according to (very) dubious reports.

The Independent and The NME have reported that Lady Gaga, the famous singer, allegedly filled a bath full of blood for a “Satantic ritual” on her recent trip to London.

Staff at the Intercontinental Hotel, London, told Truthquake, that “Lady Gaga left large amounts of blood in the suite during a stay this summer.” The Illuminati-obsessed website’s contact “reported the incident to the concierge, Andrea Miller, at the time and was told to put it out of her mind” and speculated she was “bathing in blood as part of a Satanic ritual”.

However, not to let the facts get in the way of a good story, when we contacted The Intercontinental Park Lane, they told us that Lady Gaga had never stayed in the hotel and that no Andrea Miller had ever worked at the hotel. The spokesperson sounded a little amused by the idea of a Satanic ritual, at least at their hotel, and told us it was the first they had heard of it.

Truthquake is, perhaps, not the most reliable source when it comes to hard news, containing no less than six articles on Lady Gaga’s alleged connections to the Illuminati. So is this a further demonstration of the evil powers of the global Illuminati-Satanist power structure? Or (even) further proof the internet is full of silly stories?

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