05.07.2011, Words by Charlie Jones

Brian Eno is helping develop a clock that will tick for 10,000 years inside a mountain.

There's Texan mountain inside of which is a machine that will be playing a Brian Eno tune for longer than there will probably be a Texas.

A 200 foot tall clock is currently being developed that will chime from the inside of a Texas mountain for 10,000 years, never repeating the same melody twice.

The project is being spear-headed by Danny Hillis (inventor, engineer and designer) and Stewart Brand (cultural pioneer and biologist), and funded by Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos. Brian Eno, meanwhile, has composed the never-repeating melody generator, which will ensure that countless beautiful tunes emanate from the mountain for centuries to come, whether people are around to hear them or not.

The “Long Now Foundation”, a not-for-profit organisation, has been set up in order to bring this project to life. It takes its name from Eno’s concept of the “long now” of centuries as opposed to the “short now” of the next hour, encapsulating the broad, optimistic viewpoint and long-term thinking that the concept of a 10,000 year clock signifies.

Anyone interested in visiting and winding the clock when it is completed can register interest here

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