12.12.2013, Words by dummymag

Egyptrixx's seven hour 'Music To Drone Out To' mix for i-D

As Egyptrixx made clear when we interviewed him last month, he thinks about his music in a very visual way: textures, colours, the lot. On a new mix for i-D, made in support of an interview between Night Slugs boss Bok Bok and himsef, he showcases some ambient and drone music that is equally visual and textural.

We say "some" ambient and drone, but that's underplaying things a little, because the actual mix is close to seven hours long. If you have a bit of time on your hands, then spark up and tuck in on the left hand side.

Anybody into this mix is urged to check out SND's Dummy Mix, which touches on similar ideas – at a mere three hours, SND's is (comparatively) a walk in the park. And, of course, you can check out Egyptrixx's Dummy Mix if you want something a little more immediately palpable from him.

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