21.08.2013, Words by Aimee Cliff

Glasser - Shape

Glasser has a new song and video out today, and you're going to want to sit down for this one. Dealing with overwhelming feelings of physicality and distance, the song maps out huge expanses around Cameron Mesirow's beautifully direct voice, both through the lyrics (in which she talks about being surrounded by water and "an ocean making life beyond my reach") and through the deeply imaginative production that both wraps itself around her voice and wanders off to explore around it. To top it all off, the hypnotic, shape-shifting video resembles a metallic ocean. 

On Mesirow's website right now you can also read a handwritten letter, which discusses her thought process behind the new project so much more eloquently than we could ever hope to achieve after being knocked speechless by this song: she writes, "I have been thinking a lot about space. Not only outer space and physical boundaries, but also inner mental space." You can read the whole thing on her homepage, but keep your cursor away from the browser, because in a maddeningly great and thematically apt touch, her words will disappear if you try to get too close to them (just like that ocean she's singing about). We could not be more excited for this album.

True Panther Sounds will release Glasser's second album in October. 

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